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Organic Certifications

Most of our products are "OMRI Listed®" to USDA National Organic Program standards (NOP). For more details, click here.
All our products are "Approved Inputs" for use in organic systems via Pro-Cert's Input Approval program to USDA National Organic Program standards (NOP) and Canadian Organic Standards (COS). For more details, click here.
Also, most of our products have been approved by the CDFA OIM program. All the labels of approved products are here.
Liquid Products
Liquid Packaging
- 1000 L (264 US G) Totes
- 210 L (55.48 US G) Drums
- 10 L (2.64 US G) Jugs
Common question, why liquid totes are not filled to the top with liquid?
GHP LIQUID H – LIQUIFIED CARBON is made from Humalite, North America’s superior quality humic substrate. GHP LIQUID H – LIQUIFIED CARBON can be used as either a soil amendment or for improved fertilizer efficiency, helping growers get the most out of their soils while contributing to sustainable soil quality and water holding capacity.
GHP LIQUID H – LIQUIFIED CARBON is available in several concentrations (6% to 12% HA, A&L Colorimetric Method) designed to meet specific needs.
Growers can look to GHP LIQUID H PLUS – LIQUIFIED CARBON PLUS when they are looking for a little more to help them get the most out of their soils while improving soil quality.
GHP LIQUID H PLUS – LIQUIFIED CARBON PLUS comes with higher humic substance concentrations (15 to 22% HA, A&L Colorimetric Method) that can be used as a soil amendment or for improved fertilizer efficiency and water holding capacity.
LIQUID F – LIQUIFIED FULVIC is uniquely produced from our high-quality humic substances creating one of the best quality fulvic acids available. Because of their small molecule size, fulvic acids can enter plant roots, stems and leaves, carrying minerals efficiently into the plant’s tissues.
Fulvic acids are best applied foliar and can be a key ingredient in any foliar fertilizer application. Growers can trust this product to help restore a balance, remedy nutrient deficiencies and help plants deal with abiotic stress.
GHP LIQUID H 9-5-3 is one several NPK blends combined with humic solution available from Global Humic Products Ltd.
Our specialty blended solution fertilizer products deliver a combination of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) along with the benefit of 6% humics effectively delivering essential macronutrients while improving soil and plant health with organic matter and humic substances in an easy to apply one step application.
Dry Products

Dry Packaging
- 2000 lb Totes
- 2205 lb Totes
- 50/55 lb Bag
DRY HP – POWDER is high in humic acid while low in heavy metals making it one of the best Humic Acid available in the market. GHP DRY HP – POWDER is a raw product that receives no chemical treatment and can be applied directly to the soil. It has been shown to enhance nutrient availability, energize soil biology and boost productivity.
GHP DRY HG – TURF’s smaller size, makes it more suitable for turf applications. Our product provides a slow-release source of carbon acting as a soil amendment to improve organic matter in turf applications. Our product receives no chemical or biological treatments during manufacturing. 100% natural it can effectively provide a strong foundation for long term turf performance.
This product can be applied to soil as a soil amendment. Soil organic matters and humic substances have been proven to improve the quality of soil, improve soil water holding capacities, growth of soil micro-organisms, and improve nutrient uptake.
GHP DRY HG – AG is high in humic acid (> 80%), while low in heavy metals and other toxins. GHP DRY HG -AG is a raw product that receives no chemical nor biological treatment and can be applied directly to the soil. It has a larger granule size more suited to agricultural applications. GHP DRY HG – AG has a variety of uses, from improving soil structure, increasing nutrient availability to enhancing reclamation and remediation practices.
GHP DRY RSP is rich in organic matter (OM) and humic substances (HS). This medium-sized, all-natural product receives no chemical or biological treatments during manufacturing.
It provides a steady and reliable source of carbon as a feed supplement in feed rations, effectively improving nutrient accessibility and making them more easily digestible, while at the same time providing a non-protein carbon feed source for the enhanced growth of beneficial organisms within the digestive system.
GHP DRY RSP Technical Data Sheet
GHP DRY RSP isn't "OMRI Listed®"
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